Health Care
380,000 children died from AIDS in 2006. ~
If a child under the age of 4 loses its mother to AIDS, it is 4 times more likely to die than that of a child whose mother is living. ~
Less than 10% of children orphaned by AIDS are receiving outside assistance. ~ United Nations
2,000 infants became HIV positive EVERY DAY in 2005 through pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding
2 Million African children are living with HIV or full-blown AIDS (almost 90% of the worldwide total children affected).
In S. African and Zimbabwe, AIDS has increased the under age 5 mortality rate to more than 50%.
In Africa, 150,000 people die every month from AIDS. (That's the death toll of the Southeast Asia Tsunami of Dec'05 every month!)
6,000 children are orphaned by AIDS EVERY DAY!
In Africa alone, 12 million children have lost one or both parents to AIDS (expected to grow to 18 M by 2010 - check this stat)
Nearly 25 Million Africans are living with HIV/AIDS. ~United Nations
781,000 people die annually from Malaria. ~World Vision
1,800 Children under the age of 5 die every die from malaria. ~ World Vision
Two million children die every year because they were not immunized with basic vaccines. ~