A Friend in Need, Inc.
P.O. Box 2226, Kenosha, WI 53141-2226
(262) 496-0316
A Friend in Need, Inc.
(262) 496-0316
See what your neighbors are saying about our  repair service in
Looking after orphans, widows and those who cannot speak up for themselves both locally and globally by helping to provide five basic rights: food, shelter, clean water, health care and education through community fundraisers, research and advocacy.

Clean Water


3,800 children die every day from diseases associated with lack of access to safe drinking water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene.
~ UN World Water Development
3.575 Million people die each year from water related disease.
~ Water.org
884 Million people lack access to clean drinking water - That's three times the population of the United States. 
~ Water.org
Every 20 seconds a child dies from a water-related illness.
~ Water.org
In just one day, 200 million work hours are consumed by women collecting water for their families. This lost productivity is greater than the combined number of hours worked in a week by employees at Walmart, United Parcel Service, McDonald's, IBM, Target, and Kroger.
~ Water.org
884 million people – 37% of whom live in Sub–Saharan Africa – still use unimproved sources for drinking-water. ~Unwater.org
The World Health Organization says it's safer for an HIV infected mother to nurse her baby than to feed it unsafe drinking water.  Although nursing is safer, it still puts many children at risk for acquiring HIV through breastfeeding.

What has A Friend in Need done to help the water crisis?

A deep fitted well with a hand pump can provide up to 2,800 gallons of safe water each day to benefit as many as 300 people. 
A Friend in Need has provided a clean-water well to a community that lacked access to clean drinking water. Now, choosing between giving an infant unhealthy water and nursing with HIV infected milk is no longer a choice a mother needs to make.



P.O. Box 2226, Kenosha, WI 53141-2226
(262) 496-0316