A Friend in Need, Inc.
P.O. Box 2226, Kenosha, WI 53141-2226
(262) 496-0316
A Friend in Need, Inc.
(262) 496-0316
See what your neighbors are saying about our  repair service in
Looking after orphans, widows and those who cannot speak up for themselves both locally and globally by helping to provide five basic rights: food, shelter, clean water, health care and education through community fundraisers, research and advocacy.

AIDS Walk 1

Replace this headline to say what you want.

Before beginning, you may want to maximize this window by clicking the window resizing button next to the Save icon in the upper left corner of editing tools above. This will allow you to see more of the page you are working on.

This is sample body copy to use in formatting your page. After reading it, you should delete it and replace it with the text you want to appear on this page. This text box will keep expanding downward to contain any quantity of text. You can add space between lines where desired by using the 'Enter' key on your keyboard.

You may want to create subheadings.

Simply highlight the first sentence of a paragraph and make it bold by selecting B from the editing tools above. If you want, at the end of the bold sub header, you can use the Enter key on your keyboard to set the sub head apart of the following body copy. You can also highlight and change its size or color as we did.
To change the picture shown to one of your own, delete it using the Delete key on your keyboard, then insert a different image from your library or ours by selecting the Image icon from the toolbar.
If you don't want a picture, leave it deleted. If you do select a different picture, set the alignment setting in the Image Properties box to left, center or right. If desired, you can select and drag the picture up or down the page to where it looks best.
To put space between the picture and surrounding text, select the picture and return to the Image tool and enter spacing in the fields provided on the sides of the image where it is needed, usually 10 is sufficient. To adjust Image Properties for any picture, select the picture on the editing page, then click on the Image icon.
It's easy to create professional-looking pages by using templates and consistently using the same larger, bolder font for headlines and smaller, non-bold font for body copy. It looks good to use the same color scheme for all heads or subheads throughout the page.
Of course, if you don't want to put pictures on this page, you can just select and delete each using the key on your keyboard.

To learn more or schedule us to visit your home, give <#CompanyName> a call at <#CompanyPhone>.


P.O. Box 2226, Kenosha, WI 53141-2226
(262) 496-0316